Last year our original chiller had stopped working and we replaced it with this used one and now it also has stopped working. In every cloud there is a silver lining, today I am thankful for the support of Penns Creek TU's Larry Winey who brought us a new chiller yesterday afternoon when we noticed the water temperature was slowly rising in spite of being set at 49 degrees. It reached a scary 64.5 degrees before we changed chillers. Thankfully he had a replacement chiller to bring us before we lost any trout!
We slowly lowered the temperature making sure the new chiller was working before leaving last evening planning to continue to lower the temperature today to avoid shocking the trout with another severe temperature change. And then a school closing...hi, ho, hi, ho, its off to school I go! The temperature this morning read 57 degrees which was where I had set the thermostat to avoid a severe temperature change ---so far so good! I lowered the temperature to my normal setting as I feed the fish that were searching for food.
On a sad note, I did remove two fry this morning that did not survive the ordeal. But amazingly three deformed fry continue to survive, we have placed them in a separate basket to help protect them. I have named them Larry, Curly, and Moe. Below is a picture of them and the other trout as well as a video of the trout today as a gentle reminder of all our Trout in the Classroom blessings this Thanksgiving!