Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sharing Smiles!

     We have been learning about making predictions during our reading groups so I couldn't resist having some fun with the students. Our trout books arrived this week. I was very eager to share it with the students, but decided to build the anticipation a bit.  I wrapped the box with wrapping paper and a bow and placed it in the room waiting for the students to notice. It sat most of the day without a comment. Then finally a student noticed. I told them we would be writing predictions during kid writing  about what it could be.
     A glimpse into the world of first grade...being March 16 with a leprechaun on the loose at Lack Tuscarora Elementary school...three students predicted it could be a leprechaun. Other predictions included a toy, goodies, markers, reading books, Foxy, or a  kitten. There were three whom accurately predicted it was our trout books.

   I just love seeing their faces when they see the book for the first time. It makes me smile. I wanted to share the smiles with you! Enjoy!

Love the smiles!