On May 14, 2016 Lack Tuscarora Elementary and Juniata High School's Trout In The Classroom Programs combined to release 280 Brook Trout into East Licking Creek at Karl B. Guss State Park with eighty-four total adults and children releasing Brook Trout raised through the two TIC programs this year.
Mrs. Jessica Morgan's high school students raised 140 fry outnumbering Mrs. Winey's Lack Elementary fish by 3. However, Mrs. Winey enjoyed boasting of releasing fingerlings rather than fry with the largest one measuring 5 inches! Lack's students lovingly named the largest fish Jumbo and the smallest one Fishy-fish who measured only 2 inches.
The attendees also enjoyed tree planting with Lucas Book from DCNR, Fish Print T-shirts with the Juniata Conservation District, Fly rod casting and macro invertebrate identification with Penns Creek Trout Unlimited, learning of local conservation efforts presented by Juniata Watershed Alliance as well as conservation games lead by Mrs. Morgan and Juniata High School students.
So thankful the weather held off...it began to rain as we were packing up for the day!